It’s August and that means we can expect more sizzling heat. Time to up your salad game...and repertoire. You’re never going to find more ingredients for your salad bowl than right now: peppers, fennel, green beans, cucumbers, corn, peaches and, of course, tomatoes galore.
Consider this cold tofu salad with tomatoes and peaches! Both Mead Orchard and Caradonna have sweet, fleshy peaches right now. And of course, you can always sub for nectarines, if that's your stone fruit jam.
No need to be in Mykonos to enjoy a proper Greek Salad. Maplebrook has your feta and all of our produce farmers are swimming in cukes, onions and tomatoes.
Want to enjoy an authentic French salad while enjoying the Games in Paris? How about a classic Salade Niçoise? The traditional version of this popular salad calls for tuna preserved in oil, but a popular alternative is to sear fresh tuna (looking at you, Catch of the Hamptons) and lay the slices across the top of your salad. Don’t like anchovies? Use capers instead.
Yolky market eggs from Letterbox Farm or R&M, hard-boiled, give this salad a flavor and color boost. You’ll note that this recipe calls for Fava beans or baby artichokes, but you can substitute with crisp bright green beans. Serve with some French rosé and a hunk of miche from Bien Cuit for a truly French experience.
Speaking of all things Gallic...Larchmont Charcuterie will return this week with their fabulous pâté and range of saucissons. They won’t be back until September, so if you liked what you tasted last week...make sure to buy extra!
Caradonna brought its first plums of the season last week–red, tart and tangy.I say you make this plum mascarpone pie. No time to bake?
Red Barn Bakery will be bringing seasonal fruit pies for your summer gatherings.
Guest vendor Grumpy Dumpling will be dishing out vegetarian, pork and chicken dumplings this Saturday to enjoy at one of our cafe tables. Don’t forget to check them out!
We hope you enjoy James May and the Bonefish. Since meeting in high school, James May and Paul Manzi have been playing roots, Americana, and standard-bearers from the 60s and 70s.
See you at the market!