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Vendor Applications

We are now accepting applications for the 2024 Summer Market season.

If you are a current vendor you can access the 2024 application via the link emailed to you.

If you are a prospective vendor who has never worked with the Chappaqua Farmers Market, please visit Morning Glory Markets at this link:


Only vendors who meet the basic requirements will be invited to submit an application.



  • FARMS: We prioritize farms that are within 150 miles of the Market and that are committed to sustainable agriculture, fair labor practices, and the humane treatment of animals.

  • PREPARED FOOD: All prepared foods and baked goods are required to be produced by the seller and feature locally grown ingredients when appropriate. A majority of items sold must contain at least one locally-sourced ingredient (sourced from a producer within 150 miles of the Market) and CANNOT contain synthetic food coloring, GMO ingredients, high fructose corn-syrup, or trans-fat. 

  • ZERO WASTE: In the face of an ever worsening man-made climate crisis, we are working to be part of the solution by eliminating waste at the Market. We not allow "t-shirt" plastic bags or styrofoam and all packaging must be compostable or recyclable. Plastic coated hot cups, plastic coated plates, trays, or boats, single-use plastic cups, plastic utensils, plastic lids, plastic stir sticks, plastic straws, etc. are not allowed. 

  • CRAFTS: On a very limited basis, we invite vendors who utilize local materials and/or make products to be used in the production, display, or consumption of food, i.e. cutting boards, knives, etc. 

  • MISC: We do not accept vendors who sell pet food or multi-level marketing products.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pascale Le Draoulec, Market Director at

Open from May 10 to December 

Saturdays from 8:30 to 1 pm

Chappaqua Train Station

Allen Place

Chappaqua, NY 10514


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