Are you missing Europe this summer? Grab yourself a fluffy pain au chocolat from Wave Hill Breads and a strong espresso from Don Carvajal and sit at one of our Parisian cafe tables to soak in the market vibe.
Head over to La Trafila Pasta for a taste of Italy, and some fresh pasta made by hand, in Brooklyn, the day before. Check out chef Luigi Speranza's video on Instagram where he makes Spaghetti alla Nerano. This legendary dish was invented in 1952 by Maria Grazia, who owned a restaurant in Nerano that bears her name (and is now run by her offspring). So many have tried to recreate this humble dish of pasta and local summer zucchini that it has become known as “Spaghetti alla Nerano” to distinguish it from the myriad other spaghetti with zucchini recipes throughout Italy.
There's so much zucchini at the market of late. So no excuses! Here's a recipe if you need more than a video to guide you.
Orchard Hill Organics says they have “three of the most delicious varieties of summer squash known to humankind: Zephyr, Green Machine, and Magna.” So you can start there. They are also bringing fairy tale eggplant, shishito peppers, sugar snap peas and “basil so good, it makes a person see God,” says farmer Jeff Rowe.
Sometimes the best recipes come in from the back door: Last summer, for example, I bought some cod and some cherry tomatoes at the market and I had some leftover tarragon that needed to be used up. I did a google search for a recipe with these exact three ingredients and this delicious dish popped up. It has been a staple at our house ever since and now that the cherry tomatoes are coming into the market I can't wait to make it again. You can find your fresh tarragon at Fresh Meadow Farm.
Plums are now making their appearance at the market. For fruit desserts, I often turn to my favorite American expat and foodie in Paris, David Lebovitz. Check out his recipe for oven-roasted plums. Serve with your favorite vanilla or ginger ice cream, or labneh or yogurt. This recipe suggests serving with strawberries, and Caradonna has a new batch of strawberries that are packed with sweet flavor.
It's the perfect easy, summer dessert for a casual impromptu dinner with friends. And, how convenient, if you make the cod above as your entree you can use the same bottle of white wine for both recipes.
Get in line! Wright's Farm is bringing their first batch of Dilly Beans this Saturday. I defy you to eat just one. And really, why would you?
It's always a bit confusing when a business changes names but it is particularly discombobulating at the farmers market where there is already so much sensory overload – in a good way, of course. So just so we are all clear...
True Food, is changing its name to Wild Radish. They had to give up their name due to a trademark issue but were sentimental about keeping their radish logo so changed the name to Wild Radish. And, the vendor formerly known as Mangalitsa (yes, the folks known for their superior bacon and other pork products from Mangalitsa pigs) is now called Goode & Local. This week they are also bringing back that stellar smoked ricotta which was so popular last summer. And, just sayin', I don't think Luigi Speranza, or Maria Grazia would have any objection to you adding a dollop of that ricotta into their Spaghetti alla Nerano.
See you at the market!